Writer and literary critic / Spain
He is a writer and literary critic who contributes to the press through different media such as ABC and Babelia, a supplement of the newspaper El País. He has published books of poems such as Las Liturgias del Caos (The Liturgies of Chaos) and La Paternidad de Darth Vader (The Fatherhood of Darth Vader) and has won several awards such as the City of Irun and the Aljabibe de Poesía Poetry Award. He coordinated the song No os olvidamos (We won’t forget you), in homage to the victims of the Madrid train bombings. He is author of the novels La Coartada de Antínoo (The Alibi of Antinous) and Los Amores oscuros (Dark loves) about Federico García Lorca, winner of the City of Zaragoza International Historic Novel Award, with unanimous approval of the Congress of Deputies, for recovering the legacy of Ramírez de Lucas that this work brought to light. [Spain] @manuelrreina