Film Producer, Distributor and President of EGEDA
He started his career in 1966 with the filming of Un millón en la basura (One million in trash), directed by José María Forqué. In the late eighties, he produced great Spanish movies: Cómo ser mujer y no morir en el intento (How to be a woman without dying while trying), Todo es mentira (Nothing is true), among others. In the last ten years he has produced over 70 films, among which the following stand out: Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi (The Zugarramurdi’s witches), La pata Quebrada (The broken leg), Brujas (Witches), La buena estrella (The good star), La hora de los valientes (Time for the brave), You’re the one, El oro de Moscú (Moscow’s gold), Juana la loca (Joanna the mad), Las 13 rosas (Thirteen roses) and Todos estamos invitados (We are all invited). But the most interesting point of his professional career is no other but VIDEO MERCURY FILMS, a company founded in 1980 completely devoted to the recovery of Spanish film industry. Furthermore, since 1998 he heads EGEDA Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales (Management of audiovisual producers’ rights).