President of Dircom and Head of Communications at Grupo Novartis España / Spain
She is the Head of Communications at Grupo Novartis España. With 20 years’ experience in medical and health communications, she began her career at Sandoz, in the Medical Communications department. In 2000, she became the head of the External Communications department at Novartis Farmacéutica. She has been the Head of Communications at Grupo Novartis España since 2007. From 2008 to 2014, she was the secretary-general of the Board of Directors of DIRCOM, the spokesperson on CSR, and the secretary-general of this association. She is a frequent speaker at CSR, Reputation, and Communications events. She was the president of ACOIF from 2012 to 2014. On 6 November 2014, she was appointed president of Dircom. [Spain] @tarremo