Founder of Mujeresycia.com, Gender Capital and the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain / Spain
She is a journalist and entrepreneur. She was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina), and has lived since 2000 in Madrid (Spain), promoting projects for diversity, visibility, access to power and inclusion of women. She founded and heads MujeresyCía, the Top 100 Women Leaders ranking, and the consultancy Gender Capital. Her latest initiative is EngageMEN, to involve men in women’s access to decision-making positions. She gives workshops and lectures. She is the author of Seis mujeres, seis voces, otra mirada sobre la mujer y el poder (Six Women, Six Voices: A New Look at Women and Power), and a co-author of Guía para la Gestión de la Diversidad en Entornos Profesionales (Guide for Diversity Management in Professional Environments), among others. [Argentina-Spain] @MercedesWullich