President of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union / Spain
Former Secretary General of the Unión Sindical Obrera (Workers’ Trade Union) (1971-1977), became a member of the “Committee of the 10” of the Democratic Opposition in 1975. In 1977, he was appointed member of the Confederate Executive Committee of the Unión General de Trabajadores (General Union of Workers), organization in which he has held the posts of Undersecretary General (USG), head of the Negotiating Committees of UGT in relation to the “Agreements for Social Dialogue”, Director of the magazine Claridad and Director of the Instituto Sindical de Estudios (Unions’ Studies Institute). Moreover, he is President of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union, member of the Scientific Committee of the Labor Studies Institute of Florence and part of the High-Level Group on Labor Relations and Industrial Change at the European Union. [Spain]