Director of Treasury and Liquidity of Bankia
He is Director of Treasury and Liquidity of Bankia and Coordinator of the SROI Network International in Spain. Although he is specialized in Investment Banking and he was worked in several financial institutions in London, Brussels, Valencia and Madrid, he has talked to several media and advocated for a change on the way business is valued. He has written a book titled Economía Social. Valoración y medición de la inversión social (método SROI) (Social Economy. Value and Measure of the social investment -SROI method-). and is also the author of several articles about the measurement of the social business value. He is a Professor of Finances in the Jaime I University of Castellón. He has a PhD in economics from Complutense University of Madrid and has a degree on Business from the École Supérieure de Commerce of Montpellier. @HugoNarrillosRx