President of the Economic and Social Council of Spain.
A Technical Industrial Engineer and Economist. A Professor of Political Economy at Barcelona University. Author of “El final del desconcierto. Un nuevo contrato social para que España funcione,” “La nueva piel del capitalismo,” “La Torre de la arrogancia. Políticas y Mercados después de la crisis,” and “La crisis de 2008: de la Economía a la Política y más allá.” He is a columnist for the dailies El País, La Vanguardia and El Periódico de Cataluña. On the business side, he is a member of the Boards of Directors of Laboratorios Reig-Jofre S.A., Banco Mediolanum S.A., Grupo Bodegas Terras Gauda S.A., and Barnaclínic S.A. He is also a member of the advisory boards of Grupo Hotusa S.A., Roca Junyent Abogados S.A., Ingeus S.A., and Knowledge Sharing Network (KSNET.) He has also been Customer Ombudsman at Endesa (2000-2005) and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Endesa in Catalonia (2005-2012) as well as director of several companies. On the institutional front, he has been President of the Economic Circle (2013-2016) and was President of the Economic Circle Foundation (2018-2021.)