Professor of applied economics and Chairman of Ityis, 1MillionBot and founder of Torre Juana Open Space Technolog
Professor of applied economics, expert in digital economics, entrepreneur, Rector of the University of Alicante (1993-2000), CEO of Universia (2000-2004), and member of the holding council of Santander Universities and Universia up to the present. He is a member of the government’s group of experts to prepare the white paper on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. He was a pioneer in the introduction of MOOCs in Spain through the Unimooc project. Chairman of Ityis, 1MillionBot and founder of Torre Juana Open Space Technology. He has written over fifty books and specialized publications on economics. Eisenhower fellow 1988, Dr. Honoris Causa from Nottingham Trend University (1997), award for scientific merit 2016 from the Valencian regional government (Generalitat Valenciana), Academy of Moral and Political Science, North American Academy of the Spanish Language. [Spain]